Re-Gush ATVs & Jeep tour in Gush Etzion and Jeruslem hils is a company specializing in tours throughout Gush Etzion and the Judean Desert & Jerusalem.
With Re-Gush ATVs & Jeep tour in Gush Etzion, you can book tours for individuals, couples, families, or large groups for fun days outdoors or for celebrating birthdays, Bar/Bat mitzvahs, weddings, and more.
Our tours are geared towards all ages 3 and up.
You can choose guided tours of one hour, one and a half hours, and two hours using of a variety of ATVs, including stops for explanations and observations.
Our journeys take us through streams and springs and along enchanting paths as we climb mountains and hills in a magnificent landscape that features the most beautiful and unique observation points in Gush Etzion and Jerusalem area.